RecibosOrçamentos - Recibos, O

by NF-Solutions



Access by Computer or by your Android cell phone or Iphone, your data saved in the clouds.Control your companys inventory.Get your customers signature via email, WhatsApp or in person.Create and submit receipts, quotes, work orders, purchase orders, invoices, sales, and complete service and product contracts, including products, services, customers, suppliers, your signature and your customers.Register multiple users and have control over what they can access.Take control of your customers catalog, suppliers, taxes, services, registered products and stock.Useful for any type of professional who provides services.Functionalities* Gear receipts, quotes, work order, sales, contracts, purchase orders.*Control of products and stock.*Control of your customers and suppliers.* Signature of your company.* Your customers signature.* Control the flow of cash through your payments and expenses.* Add new custom fields* Control of receipt, budget, work order, purchase order, invoice, sale and contract